Wednesday 8 July 2015

Winter Bliss- Finding Inner Calm during External Chaos!

July has been all about balance for me. That fine line between having it all and having it all fall apart around you!

I have picked up some amazing opportunities this year, some are still under wraps and I cannot wait to share!

I am very proud to take on the role as Lifestyle Editor for Holistchic. This fusion of style and wellness is the essence of how I live my life, so the opportunity to be closely involved and source amazing content is a real privilege.  I hope you’ll enjoy reading my work as much I love writing it (and also forgive if my Jade’s Life posts are a little sporadic until I get into my groove!)

I’m also taking on a more collaborative role with one of my current partnerships, as ambassador for fitness app Zova. As well as promoting and believing in the product I’ll now be providing content and insights to motivate user's fitness journeys. I join an elite crew of passionate women, including, Libby Babbet and Ellie Lemons in the Zova community.

My injury last month (torn rotator cuff- ouch!) meant I had to slow down my training but as my workload increased, this wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. I have been more mindful of my diet to make up for my reduced exercise and am so lucky to have very positive girl friends to help keep me focused. I cannot thank my besties enough for everything, they are my inspiration every day; beautiful women chasing their dreams, living passionate lives and spreading good vibes. I love these women so much; I feel a new post coming on just so I can share with the world how amazing they are.

Speaking of amazing people, I’d like to make a quick mention of my darling boyfriend who, after 7 months of long distance heartache is relocating to Sydney. Needless to say this makes me a very happy camper. I’m loving our new apartment and waking up to breathtaking ocean views every morning. The stress of the move is well worth it!

There is so much else I’d like to share but will have to wait for the official announcements!            

For now here is my top 3 tips on how to keep a balance when  life turns you upside down!

1.     Tea Breaks: I know it makes me sound like a nanna but even if you’re not actually drinking tea (Pukka Three Ginger is my brew of choice lately) it’s important to switch off. Get away from the screens, sit somewhere comfy and take ten quiet minutes to yourself Cuddling a cuppa is also a great way to warm up in this icy winter weather!

2.     Positive Relationships: I’d be lost without my family, friends and partner. (Also Calais as well, he counts as family.) Talking to the people I love most and checking in on them always makes me smile. You know the ones… those people you spend hours laughing with, or can cry uncontrollably in front of if you need to. Make time to connect to the people who make you feel good. And spend a little less time worrying about those who don’t.

3.     Movement: For me this has been hard lately, because my body craves movement and it’s been so restricted. However I’m embracing long walks with my dog, early morning
 stretching to wake up, taking deep breaths to notice how my chest expands and contracts, how it feels full of life. I’ll be training again soon and focusing on more dynamic exercise, but for now I’m just grateful for these little grounding movements while my body heals. Don’t just train mindlessly, really pay attention to what your body is telling you, feel the rhythm in every movement and you’ll discover a new level of self-awareness.

The good news is that we are halfway through winter… so technically the countdown to summer has begun! Hehe.

Keep warm Lovers.

Love Jade


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